My Triple Lapbook

I've been checking out fun sites about lapbooking! Thought that I would give it a try and teach it to my sons so that we could use it for some of our science studies. In our homeschool co-op group, we were studying about grasshoppers. To learn about the inner parts, we ordered lubber grasshoppers and dissecting kits from science home.

Above is the science lapbook that I created. It is made on a high school level. The flaps are open in the center.
Below, the middle flaps are closed. More photos and information is added. (Click on photos to enlarge.)
On the outer pages of the lapbook, I've added a small mini book with grasshopper facts on the left, and grasshopper recipes to the right. Yum-yum!!! (giggles) One of the lovely parents (Anna) in the co-op group made chocolate covered grasshoppers. I brought mine home. It is in the freezer. I'm still trying to build up the nerve to taste it. Woof!

Above is the science lapbook that I created. It is made on a high school level. The flaps are open in the center.
Below, the middle flaps are closed. More photos and information is added. (Click on photos to enlarge.)
On the outer pages of the lapbook, I've added a small mini book with grasshopper facts on the left, and grasshopper recipes to the right. Yum-yum!!! (giggles) One of the lovely parents (Anna) in the co-op group made chocolate covered grasshoppers. I brought mine home. It is in the freezer. I'm still trying to build up the nerve to taste it. Woof!
To find out more information about lapbooking, check out the following sites!
Lapbooking -
Homeschool Share -
This site is loaded with free lapbook templates!
Lapbooking 101 -
Flicker: Lapbook -
YouTube: Lapbook lessons -
It's your turn!!! Give it a try! You will see that it is so much fun, and it adds fun and pizazz to the learning process. Photos of Josiah and Justin's lapbook coming up next!