Proud Mom!!!

After the convention, guess what talk that Justin will be giving upon his return? "Baptism Brings Many Blessing". [Sign Language Ministry School] Hmmm....what a co-inky-dink. I will record the baptism and his talk to upload and share with my sweet friends that visit here.

There is yet another thing that I am excited about. June 29 - July10, I will be attending my 2nd Pioneer/Missionary School.....this time in American Sign Language. [Doing the happy dance!!] The school will be in Charleston, SC. I will be sure to bring my camera so that I can take a lot of pictures to share.
Before closing, I want to send a big thanks to all of the friends that stayed in touch with me by email. As some of you know, my mother is very ill. Due to diabetes and high blood pressure, her kidneys are no longer functioning. I am doing the last of my testing as a donor this month.....will be at the hospital all day Friday, and more tests next week before heading to the convention. If all goes well, mom and I will be having the surgery in July. It truly warms my heart to hear her express plans of getting back into the pioneer ministry.
That's my mom!! :-D